Edinburgh Fringe 2023
Temper Theatre

Genre: Devised, Physical Theatre
Venue: Pleasance Courtyard
Festival: Edinburgh Fringe
Low Down
Imogen is swept up on a fantastical wave of self-discovery.
After a dramatic entrance of performers with full on sound Home moves fast with high production values. Moving sets that glide effortlessly across and around the stage and tall grasses with remote colour changing lights within the flower pots all build the atmosphere. They are the atmosphere because the performers are among, in and on top of the sets – often moving!
This is devised physical theatre piece that has two short movement/dance sections at the beginning and end that are a highlight of the show, and it would be wonderful to see more movement sections like this as a change of pace.
Mysterious people in trench coats carrying suitcases are fascinating and it is clear that everyone is on the move – literally – because one of the characters has to move and leave her home that she has known all her life due to a flood. Continually seeking her family and home, Imogen has unexpected challenges and experiences. As always when we are taken out of our comfort zone we benefit in some way and this happens to Imogen as she seeks her parents and the home comforts of her family.
Imogen, wearing a blue dress is played by a compelling performer while the cast multitask and play different characters from her family and are also part of the ensemble moving the sets, so it’s a very organic show.
The story is told through the visuals and action with dialogue in scenes prerecorded, save for a few moments of live spoken dialogue. The continuous music is eclectic and powerful – it complements the moments in the story well and keeps the pace moving. Given the streamlined storytelling it might be interesting to have more nuance and time to get to know the characters and their relationships a bit more. Several short scenes with Imogen use a lovely little sofa and sometimes when the placement is far downstage, the actor and sofa may not be seen to their advantage because of the sight lines.
There is a nightmarish quality to the story with the darkness which is appropriate to what is happening to Imogen, and things get surreal as they are underwater in another highlight scene. Fun moments such as small firefly like light props are used that add to the visuals and surprises. Home is a well produced show with lots of well timed energetic action with well designed sets, sound and lighting.