FringeReview Scotland 2024
Right2dance, presented as part of Gathered Together 24

Genre: Dance, Dance and Movement Theatre
Venue: Tramway Theatre
Festival: FringeReview Scotland
Low Down
An exercise in springboarding from a well-known tale in choreography that works well. It has a taught chorography allowing everyone to share the stage. Lit beautifully and with some creative use of costume which makes it all feel the whole experience for the cats as a sharing experience for the audience.
Twenty-three dancers in the context of a piece inspired by Alice in Wonderland take the stage with Alice at first, soon joined by the white rabbit, resplendent in tartan waistcoat as they dance away the narrative in an ensemble piece that was worthy of any stage.
With the mission to be inclusive, this East Renfrewshire company gave us a performance filled with mixed ability dancers which set a high standard and all truly deliver. Of course, there are going to be mixed abilities throughout and there are a few moments where one may not be quite in sequence or there may need to be some onstage direction which a purist somewhere might criticise but what is undoubted is this is a brilliantly choreographed group with dance in their hearts.
The opening gives way to the dancers becoming much of the set and setting and we can see the influence of Alice, but there is another level being delivered here. At one point one of the older dancers came down front in a tableau and struck a pose as if they were poking their head out of a bush. I laughed out loud. It was so cheeky and quite irreverent but made me realise that this was more than fun, it was creative joy being expressed in a physical manner. Later on, when in a line supposed to be standing still, the same performer could not stop themselves dancing to the music. What an absolute treat. I may not have left my seat and wandered down to join in but could feel that vibe. There were also times when a dancer might not have quite remembered the next move and a gentle hand was used to direct them with such respect and gentility, it made me enjoy this company that much more.
But this was also a creative performance and not some exercise in simplistic equalities. right2dance have created a skilled interpretation of a piece inspired by Alice in Wonderland and not beholden to it. The two principal dancers were fantastic and held their shapes and moved with confidence throughout but the fact that they were not the stars speaks of their ability to share on a stage and of the ensemble choreography used. Given that “the dancers” are credited alongside Aileen Palombo and Beth Gildea for the choreography, that suggest a real collegiate approach to the piece – worked really well.
Presented after the New Zealand company, Jolt, this was the perfect counterpoint to their performance. This had volume of people but ability that was crafted exquisitely and performed with such pride and gusto that I was reminded, as if I needed it, that the stage belongs to whoever can move and perform within it. That they did that so well is testimony to them as a collective.