Here you’ll find regularly updated help and advice for making your fringe show at the Edinburgh Fringe as successful as possible. What are the critical skills you need to hit the ground running at the Edinburgh Fringe? We will be adding more advice in the run up to the Fringe. […]
Edinburgh Fringe Performer Resources
Help and practical tips for Edinburgh Fringe theatre and show makers
They’ve ignored my press release! Whether you are bringing a show to a Fringe festival or simply trying to get media coverage for a show at any time of the year, these tips are for you. There could be a number of reasons why your press has been not responded to by potential reviewing publications. […]
Stapling and Sticking Press Quotes and Stars to Your Flyers and Posters: Important Tips and Advice
FringeReview’s Paul Levy offers some important advice and tips for that key (and happy) moment when your show gets some favourable reviews and you are reading to get out the stapler, the scissors and page of ready-to-cut-up stars and press quotes. Some vital listening here… Stapling and Sticking Press Quotes and Stars to Your Flyers […]

Yes, the excitement is building, the anticipation growing, the concerns lurking. With around two weeks to go before the Edinburgh Fringe, here are a few tips to ensure you hit the ground running in time for your show previews and week one. Listen to our […]
Listen. People Aren’t Going to Buy Tickets to Your Show. They really aren’t. If you assume they will, you are heading for a fairly empty house. Your friends may well come to your show, though don’t even count on that, if their only commitment is an “Attending” or a “Maybe” on your Facebook event. Facebook […]
Hitting the ground running is all about making use of every moment of the first stages of an event in your life. It’s about arriving with the engines already running, with the soul already warmed up. It’s about avoiding stumbling,panic and fire-fighting. Hitting the ground running is an effective way to arrive at the Edinburgh […]
It is very easy to ensure your experience as a Fringe performer is dire and spirit-crushing. Just follow these top five tips and you’re sure to hit the bottom quickly and effectively… 1. Make it all about money. Become fixated on making a profit and ensure every empty seat is a sign of your personal […]
All you need to know about the much neglected art of putting flyers into flat surfaces and other angles of attack … (Warning: May contain humour) Vertical flyering is done standing up. The flyerer and the flyeree are both on their feet. It takes place mostly on the streets, and occasionally in queues and crowds. […]
Here are a few tips for successfully flyering at a Fringe Festival. There are, of ciurse, many more nuggets of fringe wisdom you will pivk up on your fringe journey. These are the half dozen that I have picked up again and again since my first fringe in 1999… 1. Make your flyers useful (include […]
Your fringe show is playing at a fringe venue hub, or a large established venue. But you are new and unknown. How do you ensure you are visible among all the big players? This is a talk by Fringe Review editor Paul Levy, author of The Filthy Guide to the Edinburgh Fringe. Visit our Edinburgh […]
This is a short talk from Paul Levy, Fringe Review’s founder. It’s about the challenges of using microphones at Fringe shows. What can go wrong? What can you do to get it right? Visit our Edinburgh Fringe performer resources here. Visit our Edinburgh Fringe coverage here.
This talk by Fringe Review editor Paul Levy offers practical advice on how to find audience for your show if you are stuck out in the Highlands. Your show is out of town! Literally, it is too much on the fringe of the Fringe. What can you do about it? […]
With a month to go before the start of the Edinburgh Fringe, this is your vital checklist to ensure you stay on track and hit the ground running. FringeReview’s Paul Levy offers some helpful advice… Edinburgh Fringe July Performers’ Checklist (Click on the player and right click your mouse […]
Here is some advice from FringeReview editor Paul Levy on creating a successful show pitch at the Fringe. Whether you are flyering, networking and writing to reviewers, promoters or producers, you may only have a few seconds to pitch your show. Here are some practical tips for getting that right. Listen here…
The Fringe is a noisy, loud and chaotic place throughout August. it is easy to get caught up in the good and bad of this swirl of activity. It can be a distraction that undermines the focus you need to keep your show on the road. Paul Levy, FringeReview’s editor talks about the importance of calm […]
A video from FringeReview founder Paul Levy on why it is important to have a proper, working web site and a link from your fringe listing and social media pages. Many companies at the Fringe have not thought about the follow up that audiences and arts industry people undertake before and after seeing a Fringe […]
Facebook can be your friend and your worst enemy at the Edinburgh Fringe. In this video you can find out why, and what to do about it…
Paul Levy talks to fringe theatre maker Robert Cohen (past winner of a FringeReview Outstanding Theatre Award) about creating solo theatre. Robert, a writer and creator and performer of his own solo work has brought his theatre to the Edinburgh Fringe as well as touring it around other Fringe festivals and venues. He shares some […]
That is the question! Here are some vital tips for managing your free tickets and show promotion at Edfringe. There are different perspectives on the role of free tickets at Fringe Festivals and it can be useful to clarify to yourself if and why you are going to give out “comps”. It is standard practice […]
Welcome to our Meet the Media page, which gives you the essential information you’ll need from FringeReview during the Edinburgh Fringe and at other Fringe Festivals and regions. You can apply to be reviewed here. Follow us on Twitter @fringereview Join us on Facebook. View us on Instragram: @fringereviewuk How we work during Edinburgh Fringe […]
Recorded a few years ago, but still highly relevant, this was a live broadcast that took place in Brighton with FringeReview editor Paul Levy and a group of theatre makers and comedians who were taking a show to the Edinburgh Fringe. A discussion, talk as well as a Q and A – a lot of […]