Edinburgh Fringe 2011
Low Down
Watching these Grand dames of the comedy stage is an essential experience.
Dillie Keane and Adele Anderson have been writing partners for more than 2 decades, and along with a 3rd member of the group (throughout the 2011 Edinburgh Festival Fringe it is Sarah-Louise Young) they form Fascinating Aida – a cabaret group who sing the most gloriously comical songs covering a huge variety of topics including some very ‘non-pc’ topics, and the audience absolutely love every minute of it … and there is a disclaimer by Dillie: “those of a sensitive disposition should leave”. Her experience on the stage shows when she trips on her words during a performance of ‘Dogging’ (an experience in itself), and she advises the audience: “Never buy teeth from a catalogue!”
A grand piano set in the middle of the stage and a couple of chairs, which are used in some of the choreography, is all that is involved with the set. This is all that is needed, anything else would detract from the main attraction.
Until I saw this show, I had been a relative ‘Fascinating Aida’ virgin, apart from a youtube clip that has gone viral, but I have now well and truly had that cherry popped! This group is the modern day Marie Lloyd times 3, and they are magnificent to watch. Keane not only sings, but also plays the piano accompaniments during the 1 hour show … except for the Bulgarian folk tunes, which are of course a cappella. Anderson and Young sing, harmonise, dance, prance … all three of them don sneakers at one point and hip-hop and rap.
Performing a song called ‘Bored’, they poke fun at our current technology and social media trends; give us indescribably sound financial advice in ‘Companies Using Nifty Taxation Systems’; and announce the performance of ‘Cheap Flights’ to rapturous applause; and then they leave us with something to cheer us through the Edinburgh winter (which has begun in August): ‘Kiss your Ass Goodbye’.
… and then of course there are the Bulgarian folk tunes, which they have had a love affair with for a number of years … but I’ll leave you to experience those when you see a show … and if you are anything like me (and everyone in the audience), you’ll be left wanting more.
Four stars: Highly Recommended