Article: Sci-fi Shows at the Edinburgh Fringe

Science fiction is usually broadly defined in fringe festivals including spectulative fiction and fantasy often in the form of alternative worlds and alternative versions of the future, often in which one form of technology (such as artificial intelligence) has come to dominate our world. For kids shows it is usually about robots and space ships, […]

Article: Joe Angella’s Comedy Choices for Edfringe 2023

Here is my no-nonsense list of shows to see in the “comedy” category at Edfringe. As a judge for the Amused Moose Comedy Awards, I see quite a lot of comedy, so these are very much personal favourites mixed with a bit of research into the positive press these folk have garnered. Janey Godley, a […]

Article: Improv Comedy at Camden Fringe 2023

There’s a rather large and promising selection of improv shows at this year’s Camden Fringe. Improv is usually edge-of-your seat comedy where those on stage play with different formats, usually taking audience suggestions, and cooking up a show that is different each performance. There are other formats for improv such as serious improvised drama, and […]

Article: Explorations and Examinations of History at the Edinburgh Fringe

History, from recent to ancient, is explored each year at the Fringe across all the genres and in many different ways. Whether it is a standup comedian commenting on recent political events, or a theatre company recreating an episode from the middle ages, an inquiry into a trial in the 19th or 20th century, the […]

Article: Storytelling at the Edinburgh Fringe

Storytelling can be a catch all term toi include a lot of stand up comedy shows listen in the Fringe programme. Storytelling is also a craft going back thousands of years and becomes a genre in its own right in August in Edinburgh. Traditional tales, fables, myths, legends, and histories form the backbone of storytelling […]

Article: What to see at Buxton Fringe

Buxton Festival Fringe runs from 5th – 23rd July 2023. Buxton Fringe could rightly lay claim to being the Uk’s third largest fringe festival. Or indeed, festival fringe. Yes, Buxton Festival Fringe is the fringe festival for Buxton International Festival but, like Brighton and Edinburgh has grown to a scale where it is really the senior partner. What we at […]

Article: So much to do… so little time

November… As it was to be expected we’re now entering the real storm (something that was easy to predict as I had written in one of my posts). However, despite the stream of bad news we are receiving daily I’m more than optimistic about the future. Yes, we will have to do double Cape Horn […]

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Article: Brighton Fringe 2020

          1st – 31st October 2020 In a year in which we, the public, and fringe theatre were both locked down, how do things stand in October 2020? Brighton Fringe announced the postponement of the May Fringe and boldly set out a hope to be back in the Autumn. Well, here […]

Article: FringeReview at VAULT Festival

          Tue 28 Jan – 22 Mar Vault Festival 2020 is here again, billed as “London’s biggest, boldest and wildest arts festival”, with hundreds of events and plenty of exciting fringe theatre. We’ll be doing a bit of reviewing and previewing. Watch this space regularly. Essential Links Visit the Vault Festival […]

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Article: Mrs Fringereview Blogs: It’s Not The Critic Who Counts

Blog Post: It’s Not the Critic Who Counts  There is a piece of Art work, more specifically a set of four pieces of embroided richly coloured and strikingly large scale Art in The National Art Gallery in Edinburgh by Phoebe Traquair called The Progress of a Soul. Each one with it’s own title; The Entrance, […]

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Article: Archive of Into the Pink Folds of the Fringe Festival Brain

We welcome Ross Drury from Living Record  who shares his reflections on bringing Thrown by Jodi Gray to the Edinburgh Fringe 2018… Theatre Whispered In Your Ear: Emma Plotkin talks to Ross Drury about Thrown by Jodi Gray A Fringe Trauma  The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is shit. Don’t believe the photographs of colourful hoards of people […]

Article: Guest Blog: Death by a Thousand Chocolates

  SETTING THE STAGE Initial thoughts following the realisation that the puppet show The Sorrowful Tale of Sleeping Sidney, being a tale of Victorian Brighton, might be best served by puppets that carry a ‘Punch n Judy’ seaside feel, artist and creator Daisy Jordan considered whether the show might actually be performed within the recognizable […]

Article: A Paine in the Fringe: Paul Levy talks to Dominic Allen about A Common Man: The Bridge That Tom Built

How do you create a successful solo Fringe show based on a real historical character? Paul Levy talks to Dominic Allen about A Common Man: The Bridge That Tom Built. Dominic tells us how the show was created and what the legendary man himself might think of it. “Dominic Allen (Belt Up Theatre’s Outland) brings […]

Article: Jolie Booth: Hip at the Fringe

Welcome to guest blogger, Jolie Booth from Kriya Arts whose unique show “Hip” comes to Edinburgh Fringe, fresh from Brighton Fringe acclaim. (Read our review here) Jolie will be sharing her thoughts, reflections and experiences throughout the Fringe. Wednesday 31st August In Summary As my mother and I reclined in the bubbling rooftop hydropool at the […]

Article: The Column 2014

  Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in this blog are not necessarily the views held by FringeReview. Please address any complaints concerning anything offensive or inaccurate in these blogs to our editors at The Archive for 2014 is here The Archive for 2013 is here The Archive for 2012 is here. The Archive for […]

Article: Cast Iron Theatre at the Edinburgh Fringe 2017

The guest blog of ANDREW ALLEN Andrew is a writer, performer and director. He is the founder of Cast Iron Theatre and Iron Clad Improv WHAT’S THAT COMING OVER THE HILL? (Wednesday 25th July, 2017)  Listen. Can you hear it? Just there. That’s the elevated heartbeat and rather-too-rapid blinking of eyes of a thousand and more young […]

Article: Donald – The Blog

Thanks for accessing my blog! Over the last few years I have been visiting theatres in Scotland representing Fringe Review and building up our profile in Scotland before the annual jamboree that is Edinburgh! I shall be recounting tales, telling stories and reflecting upon all things fringe theatre that comes my way through this blog. […]

Article: In the Company of Gavin Robertson

Home » FringeReview Edinburgh » Edinburgh Fringe Blogs   Gavin Robertson is the Artistic Director of the highly acclaimed Company Gavin Robertson. We’re delighted to welcome him back  as a columnist for FringeReview during this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe.  Follow him on Twitter @comgavrob Gavin Robertson brings two very different shows to the Fringe. One, […]

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In the Company of Gavin Robertson – Fringe Blog

Share Gavin Robertson is the Artistic Director of the highly acclaimed Company Gavin Robertson, We’re delighted to welcome him as a columnist for FringeReview during this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe. His new show, Bond!, plays Zoo during the 2014 Fringe. Details and booking here. Welcome back Gavin for 2014! FringeReview’s very own Paul Levy has […]

Caroline of Brunswick

The Caroline of Brunswick offers a year-round, much enjoyed music programme, but spreads it’s comedy and a bit of theatre wings in May. Visit the Caroline of Brunswick’s web site for full listings and show information They are part of Laughing Horse Comedy as well. 39 Ditchling Road, Brighton BN1 4SB (Map) Box Office: 01273 624434 […]

EPostcards from the Fringe

Welcome to our EPostcards from the Fringe Page. Theatremakers, reviewers, writers and pundits from around the globe send us their micro-words from the world of Fringe Theatre. Send your postcards to E-Postcards from Edinburgh Fringe 2018 And another…                       We love the look and […]

An Improvised Edinburgh

20th August – The Improsium So we were very lucky to again this Edinburgh host the Maydays fourth annual Improsium. When we were here 4 years ago with the Maydays show ‘Guest Who’ I thought it just seemed like a massive waste to have so much improvisational stuff in one city and not have us […]

Theatrefest Guest Blog

Jenny Rowe We are delighted that Jenny Rowe is guest blogging for us at Barnstaple Theatrefest Jenny brings her show, Life Deconstructed to Barnstaple. And that’s a wrap for 2014! Thanks, Jenny! Day 4 – Sunday Day 4 of Barnstaple Festival started with our improv comedy drop-in class at St Anne’s Arts Centre. Nine people […]