New Writing at Camden Fringe

Camden Fringe champions new writing and even gives it its own section in the fringe programme. Here at FringeReview we are rather partial to new writing, as newness is usually a key quality of “fringe. So here are a few recommendations for enjoyers of the “new”. Black Velvet is a “new dark comedy, about time […]

Music and musicals to see at Camden Fringe

There are music gigs and musicals to see at Camden Fringe. So pull aside the curtains of Comedy and Theatre and enjoy a bit of music. Here are our choices, gleaned from the music and musicals sections of the fringe programme. Most fringe festivals seem to cover flamenco and, if you havbe never been to […]

Camden Fringe Comedy Choices

You won’t just dind stand up, improv and sketch comedy in the comedy section at Camden Fringe. Fringe theatre goers will find more thratre-based offerings in this section, so don’t just restrict yourself to the theatre section of the Camden Fringe programme. There is quite a lot of work-in-progress stand-up happening this year, so tread […]

Comedy Improv Focus: Camden Fringe 2024

A search for “comedy” in the Camden Fringe programme brings up 122 results and, as with most fringes, comedy tends to represent a large chunk of the shows on offer. You will also find comedy shows under the other genre headings so there may well be more to discover. Our focus here is on the […]

Theatre Focus: Camden Fringe 2024

Set up as a viable alternative to the Edinburgh Fringe, “Camden Fringe is a performing arts festival, established in 2006, which takes place in Camden during August. Anyone and everyone is welcome to apply. Previous fringe events have encompassed new writing, opera, musicals, stand-up, sketch comedy, dance, cabaret, poetry, opera, mentalism, improvisation and Q&As. Shows […]

Camden Fringe 2024: A First Look

29th July – 25th August 2024 If you go to the show search page on the Camden Fringe Website, you’ll find “340 Results” listed. This is a growing Fringe in London in the UK that still somehow manages to feel not too large scale. There are a family of venues in the city that host […]

Five more to see at Camden Fringe

Here are five more recommendations for Camden Fringe 2023. This time we are spanning the genres, breaking out of theatre and offering just a tempting taste to a fringe brimming to overflowing with creativity and experimentation. These are either last chance to see at this year’s Fringe shows or they are coming up very soon. […]

FIve Theatre Shows not to be missed at Camden Fringe

With Camden Fringe underway here are five shows we think you shouldn’t miss at Camden Fringe. Camden Fringe is brimming with new work, experiment and creativity and of course quality. So, there is too much to choose from in the best possible way. Here are five to keep you going… For “”Edgy, adventurous, exciting work.” […]

PREVIEW: Get some Self-Help at Camden Fringe

Self-Help is a solo dark comedy billed as “theatre’s answer to doom-scrolling.” According to writer Gianluca Scatto, the piece is “inspired by the meteoric rise of the toxic masculinity influencers dominating platforms like TikTok” and “follows the story of the disillusioned and desperate John Scott. Flicking mindlessly through his phone, John is suddenly compelled to […]

Alex Gatstramb and Rita Sigmond bring absurdist two-hander comedy play Liselotte In May to Camden Fringe which is a piece written by Zsolt Pozsgai. Playing at The Cockpit Liselotte in May is “a bittersweet absurd two-hander comedy about a gentle, lonely heart.Love is blind…and in this case melodramatic, depressing, paranoid, clumsy, deranged and disturbed. Liselotte, […]

Improv Comedy at Camden Fringe 2023

There’s a rather large and promising selection of improv shows at this year’s Camden Fringe. Improv is usually edge-of-your seat comedy where those on stage play with different formats, usually taking audience suggestions, and cooking up a show that is different each performance. There are other formats for improv such as serious improvised drama, and […]

New Writing at Camden Fringe

Fringe Festivals, as they grow, tend to attract repeaters – people and companies bringing the same show back to the Fringe twice, thrice or even year after year after year. It smacks of opportunism, it reeks of laziness to me. Sometimes the show has truly developed or improved but many shows are just the same […]

Camden Fringe – What to See

Camden Fringe runs from 31st July to 27th AUgist 2023. “The Camden Fringe is a performing arts festival, established in 2006, which takes place in Camden during August. Anyone and everyone is welcome to apply. Previous fringe events have encompassed new writing, opera, musicals, stand-up, sketch comedy, dance, cabaret, poetry, opera, mentalism, improvisation and Q&As. […]

New writing at Camden Fringe

We love new writing. It isn’t that we don’t like old writing, but we do love new writing. Fresh Fringe is like fresh vegetables at a market stall, newly arrived from a local farm. New writing, when ripe for picking means it is ready for the stage and we love to find it and see […]

FringeReview’s recommendations for Camden Fringe

There are 253 results in a search for shows and events at this year’s Camaden Fringe. Bursting with new writing, experimentation and radical creativity, celebration and entertainment across a range of gengres, Camden Fringe has been a viable alternative for theatre makers and audiences for quite a few years now. Here are our recommendations going […]

London, baby!

The Transfer! So, it’s happening. We’ve dusted the costumes, shaken off the post-fringe hangovers and taken a surgical knife to the script. The Death of Ivan Ilyich is going to the Camden Fringe next week. It’s the first time we’ve toured a show in a little while, and we’re very excited. Problems we’re facing The […]

Listen. People Aren’t Going to Buy Tickets to Your Show. They really aren’t. If you assume they will, you are heading for a fairly empty house. Your friends may well come to your show, though don’t even count on that, if their only commitment is an “Attending” or a “Maybe” on your Facebook event. Facebook […]

A Performer’s Guide to Having a Depressing Fringe

It is very easy to ensure your experience as a Fringe performer is dire and spirit-crushing. Just follow these top five tips and you’re sure to hit the bottom quickly and effectively… 1. Make it all about money. Become fixated on making a profit and ensure every empty seat is a sign of your personal […]

All you need to know about the much neglected art of putting flyers into flat surfaces and other angles of attack … (Warning: May contain humour) Vertical flyering is done standing up. The flyerer and the flyeree are both on their feet. It takes place mostly on the streets, and occasionally in queues and crowds. […]

Advertise on FringeReview at Camden Fringe 2019

  Boost your box office sales at the Camden Fringe. The perfect time to book an advert at our special Camden Fringe “from now until the end of your Camden Fringe 2019 run” rate.  Book an advert on the good fringe guide. In August, traffic to our site goes nuts, up in the tens of […]

Paul Levy talks to Maria McAteer about One Last Look

Paul Levy talks to Maria McAteer about One Last Look. “A compelling new thriller written by National Westminster Playwright’s Award Winner Maria McAteer. A man and a woman wait in a flat in Camden for a phone call from a colleague. As they chat idly, they find themselves unwrapping progressively more revealing and surprising secrets. […]