Brighton Fringe
Years: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
Brighton Fringe 2019

To boldly go where some people have gone before, but to do it really really well.

A night of rocking guitars and melancholy piano, with an incredible voice throw in for good measure

“An inspirational and dynamic showcase of the next generation of dancers under the guidance of Brighton based, Ceyda Tanc”

End Times: An Immersive Adventure
A Thought Provoking and Sagacious Escapade into an End of the World Immersive Experience

A gag-packed storytelling sketch show about what happens when your brain won’t let you be happy

“A slick combination of politically driven theatre, dance and comedy with more than a touch of the Blarney…”

“A playfully contemplative lecture performance, posing challenging questions about the language of contemporary dance.”

Paul Duncan McGarrity: A Practical Guide to Storming Castles
The most entertaining archaeologist since Indiana Jones

St Nicholas Mehreen Shah and Tim Nail Soprano and Piano Recital
Terrific impact, and complete musicians.

“A profoundly moving and disarmingly funny journey, looking at death and how we approach it…”

As a storytelling adaptation it couldn’t be bettered. Necessary and uplifting.

Too Young to Stay In, Too Old to Go Out!
Nigel Osner delivers an audacious rendition into the vulnerable and egregious lives of those growing in years

“An emotional rollercoaster that is gripping from start to finish…a powerful piece of physical theatre.”